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Wednesday 5 February 2014


  • ·        Soon and very soon (we aren’t going to see the king like the hymnist says), we would be asked to sit according to our political affiliations in school, and marks awarded as such!

  • ·        Soon to come, in the same schools, fees and all other expenses would be paid according to which party one belongs to!

  • ·        Very soon in the market place, the price tag on any commodity you would want to buy would be relative to your political inclination; the similar the party of both buyer and seller, the lesser the price!

  • ·        Soon, one wouldn’t need a visa to enter GH. They would instead need party cards!

  • ·        Someday to come, would we even need money as a medium of exchange in this country? Not at all. All we would need are party cards!

  • ·        And soon… the anthem and chants of one political party or another would replace the national anthem and pledge respectively!

  • ·        Soon, at the lorry stations, queues would be formed according to political affiliations and passengers would be served accordingly in the trotro!

  • ·        Not too far from now, in the hospital, it would be compulsory to come in your party colors so as to be able to access health service of any sort. As a means of confirmation and verification, party cards would be required!

  • ·        Soon and very soon, parents would emboss logos of their parties (in full blown colors) on the foreheads of their children so anyone wherever can vividly identify them!

  • ·        Soon, as a gentleman, if you trim your hair according to a particular style, you would be tagged with one party. If you don’t trim it at all, you would be identified with the other. If a lady wears Brazilian hair, the credit would go to one party. If she wears the ‘Chinese’ one, that party would attribute it to the incompetence of the other!

  • ·        It won’t be long when in church, the choir would sing political chants and they would be clad in robes with one party color or another (in addition to the logo), the church would be painted in same colors and the pastor’s cassock wouldn’t be any different!

  • ·        Very soon, utilities would be paid according which party one belongs to!

  • ·        Soon to come, what would be regarded as a crime would be dependent on its perpetrator; whether he/she belongs to this party or that one!

  • ·         Soon, the water that flows through our taps and even our electricity would be named after one party or another!

  • ·        Very soon, our livestock and even domestic animals would wear their political colors around and would also bear party names!

  • ·        Soon, whether an animal limps, hops, jumps, flies or even dances, it would be attributed to the doing of one party or another!

  • ·        Not far from now, as and when it rains or the Sun shines would be aptly attributed to the competence of one party or another!

  • ·        One day, how fair, dark, emaciated or obese you are would be to the credit of one party or the other!

  • ·        Soon, the day on which you were born and that on which you would pass away would determine which party you belonged to!

  • ·        Soon and very soon, one political party or another would claim responsibility of molding either the moon, stars, Sun or even the Earth!

  • ·        Soon, the air we breathe in would belong to one political party or another!

  • ·        And… soon and very soon, we all would have the name of one political party or another as our middle names… all because we have decided to see politics in everything; from how we eat to even how we sleep!