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Tuesday 4 August 2015


Please don’t judge me. I am human. I think and act like any other human should. I love my fellow humans. May be… it’s just that I am privileged to have that kind of awkward feeling others do not have. But… I am still happy. That’s who I am after all. I choose to be gay because I am not a gay!  

We are living in times when there’s only a thin line between what is right and that which is wrong. We keep on making right what is supposed to be wrong… and tagging as wrong what is supposed to be right. Things are not the same anymore.

Morality today is subjective. What may seem moral to one may sound as nonsense in another’s ears.

Moral decadence has eaten so much into the foundation of society that we have accepted such a distasteful thing as homosexuality. Chai! How did we get here!? For the same sins that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, we have today not only accepted… but legalized and forcing it down the throats of others! 

We have shamelessly tied it to grants, loans and what have you. If man were God, I know he would have similarly tied it to the air we breathe, too. I wish God would judge us with our human-rights-based constitution. Quite unfortunately, He would judge us with His expectation-based decrees. 

There’s nothing right about gay rights. Even if scriptures didn’t condemn it, our human conscience was enough to condemn it. At least, I am yet to see a goat or dog jumping onto another of the same sex. I am yet to!

When God was instructing man to multiply and fill the Earth, he had in mind Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve. Homosexuality is not only a threat to human conscience but also to human existence. The human race is gradually going to grind to a halt sooner or later with the embracement of this abominable act.

It is interesting how such ‘couples’ are quick to adopt children in the name of starting ‘families’. A man and a woman start families; not two women or two men. But for such, I never knew ‘families’ were for ‘rent’. 

Imagine a family where the child grows up having two ‘fathers’ where one supposedly is a mother. How strange! However, this child would grow up to assume that it is a norm in the society, though it is not. We are gradually painting what is abnormal as a norm.  

 The pace at which the world keeps legalizing almost everything in the name of rights, it would eventually give the greenlight to other grave crimes like murder, terrorism, among others. After all, it would be others fighting for their rights, too. Rights should be right; not wrong!

We have a charge to keep as a family; a society; a nation; a race; a world. We need to be each other’s keeper. We need to keep our race moving. We need not break down the family system where there’s a father, a mother and children. 

A man can’t obviously double as a mother and a woman can’t play the role of a father either. We have all been made to play specific roles in society! 

The society is built on families and we shouldn’t allow anything to get into its way; not prostitution, adultery, divorce or even homosexuality. A family built the right way means a society built on a strong foundation. 

If you have any such attraction to the same sex, it is not usual as the world is trying to paint it. Seek medical attention. Don’t bottle it up. We only battle with issues like this until we admit and open up about them. And then… we can get help. 

I can’t judge you. No one can judge you either.    

Of all the many blessings I have been privileged to be endowed with, it is only recently that I noticed my affection for the opposite sex was indeed another big blessing. At least, I wouldn’t need to dread wearing some pampers or contracting some avoidable cancer someday.

Indeed, I choose to be overly gay for not being a gay. I know you do, too. Great weekend!

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